
(I am only in Athens on holiday I should add)

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Well done Sophia,keep pushing ❤️

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Sophia Efthimiatou

Sophia! You have the most riotous, hilarious, poetic comments on NOTES! It's like a Greek Goddess descended and started suddenly texting!

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I’m only there for your singing

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Oh, I'm off to Athens in October, this bar looks excellent!

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Because there are various different Galaxy bars in Athens (including one in the Hilton), this is the one to go to: https://www.facebook.com/GalaxyBarAthens/

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I was there over the Easter holidays myself and managed to go out in the center twice in three weeks (!) which for me (as my hometown is a bit further away and I have two small kids) was a huge accomplishment. I found myself falling again in love with the buzzing life the city has to offer and can't wait to go back for Christmas.

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Apr 12, 2023Liked by Sophia Efthimiatou

I have also yet to see a parrot but I did just share a photo of a duck. Not my duck (not anyone's duck).

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